Thursday, March 28, 2024

Ms. Silverstein's Reflection

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

On Wednesday night we met with male residents and the chaplain in the beautiful spacious chapel. The URM started a program where guests can hear the stories of residents, gain empathy, and share the mission of the URM with their own communities.

We heard from older men who had success in jobs and had families before succumbing to drug or alcohol addiction and ending up on the streets. We also heard from young men who grew up with broken families and physical and sexual abuse and left home as children to try to make it on their own to support themselves. They turned to selling drugs as an easy way to make money.

One of the residents explained the surprising fact that homelessness itself can become addictive. People living on the street don’t have to follow the rules of residential facilities, and can be left alone. They are not ready to give up drugs or the feeling of “living in the wild.” They also see other homeless as their peers who understand what it is like to live on the streets.

Psalm 38:18 was the favorite verse of a young man named Manny. It is a relief to know that God doesn’t abandon you no matter the circumstances you find yourself in or how low you feel. I am very grateful to hear from these men, because I felt it was a missing piece to the story of Skid Row and the URM.

Final Day Packing Up and Driving Home

Here are some photos from yesterday showing students packing up the tents and spending time at the Griffith Observatory. While we were there...