Saturday, March 30, 2024

Final Day Packing Up and Driving Home

Here are some photos from yesterday showing students packing up the tents and spending time at the Griffith Observatory. While we were there, we went through some discussion questions to debrief about our week.
1- Who touched your heart during this trip and what touched you most about that person? 
2- How can that person use your prayer support? 
3- What caught you off guard during this trip? 
4- Is there something you understand more deeply because of your experiences in L.A.? 
5- Did you experience God in a new way during this trip? 
6- What did you learn in Los Angeles this week that you can apply in your life back home?

The drive home was quiet as most of the students just slept! Some of us saw TKA cars on I-5 from the Tecate trip, and then we ended up meeting at the same stop for lunch. It was a happy and unplanned surprise. We arrived around 4:30, and I can guarantee you that we were all grateful to go home and shower and be in warm houses and comfy beds. 

We will keep those we met on this trip in our prayers. We are all grateful for the experiences we had to serve the Lord and others through this service trip!

Final Day Packing Up and Driving Home

Here are some photos from yesterday showing students packing up the tents and spending time at the Griffith Observatory. While we were there...